Director of evangelical mission at Global Grace International.
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  • Times of refreshing Presence!
    A new season is coming... Today the Holy Spirit began to minister to me, saying; “a new season is coming”! As I sat down to do some more studying research and writing I found myself hearing from the LORD. Yes a new season… before I could ask what He meant He filled my heart with these words.  My people will become more and more desperate for My Presence and for My Word!...
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  • He that is wise wins souls! Proverbs 11:30!
    A clarion call to arise and shine for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you!   There are so many things that mainstream media does not report on and on the other hand many things that they not only fail to report, but actually twist, to fit the over all agenda of globalization and the new world order that is step by step implemented before our very eyes! (Isaiah 5:20-25) What we...
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  • He that is wise wins souls! Proverbs 11:30

    A clarion call to arise and shine for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

    There are so many things that mainstream
    media does not report on and on the other hand many things that they not only fail to report, but actually twist, to fit the over all agenda of globalization and the new world order that is step by step implemented before our very eyes! (Isaiah 5:20-25)

    What we are seeing is not primarily a battle beteeen global political dictatorship versus democracy and freedom- in reality - in its essence! Although that is a reality! But rather a battle where the kingdom of darkness is mobilizing its forces, (Genesis 3:15; Ephesians 6:12) coming against the people and house of God to ultimately try to take back total control (authority) over the nations of the earth! With and for the purpose to set up its kingdom rule with lucifer, the one called satan, as its god and king! (2Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 11:36; Revelation 12:9; Note! In the first century satan had his throne in Pergamon Revelation 2:3)

    The elitists of the world are being used as pawns to accomplish this! In their relative ignorance they think they are doing the world a favor. And that superimposing their standards upon the whole world is necessary. (Psalms 2:1-12)

    As The people of God we are to pray for all men and for kings and all who are in authority... “in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the true knowledge of the Truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4, 7)

    With other words... we have the responsibility and delegated authority to take action and pray for the purpose of being able to live our lives enabling us to save souls, heal the sick and set free the captives - to preach, teach and minister the Word of Life to a dying world!

    Let us therefore pray that the forces of darkness and the spirit of antichrist be held back and be bound in order for us to do the works of Him who have called us out of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love! ...night is coming where no man can work! (John 9:4) and we the body of Christ will be “out of here” along with the restrainer! (I.e. Caught up to meet our redeemer in the air)!

    The night that the Holy Spirit is talking about through John (I believe) is the great tribulation! Following the catching up of the ‘body of Christ’ there will be great tribulation (2x3,5 years)! The salt and light of the world is no longer present to preserve and give the True light of life. It is a time of reckoning for Israel with the focus of bringing them back in to the “sheep fold” (Jacobs trouble)! The kingdom of darkness will think that they are finally winning…whilst we know that they are used (like so many other kingdoms throughout history) as a means of judgment and wrath only to be judged themselves for the utter depravity and ungodliness that they display! (Revelation 18:4-10)

    The LORD Jesus Himself will then bring this wrath to an end by stepping down on mount Olivet (with us riding with Him from the heavenly abode. Revelation 19:11-21) and by the Word coming out of His mouth, slaying all the nations gathered against Him and His anointed! Restoring and establishing Israel as the world leading nation for a thousand years, in this way fulfilling all the promises and Words of the prophets concerning Israel, His people! These events are part of the “times of restoration” that Peter prophesies about in Acts 3:20-21!

    Be safe and blessed! Stay alert for the purpose of prayer and be ready to go as the Holy Spirit leads! Possess until He comes!
    Pastor Robert
    He that is wise wins souls! Proverbs 11:30 A clarion call to arise and shine for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you! There are so many things that mainstream media does not report on and on the other hand many things that they not only fail to report, but actually twist, to fit the over all agenda of globalization and the new world order that is step by step implemented before our very eyes! (Isaiah 5:20-25) What we are seeing is not primarily a battle beteeen global political dictatorship versus democracy and freedom- in reality - in its essence! Although that is a reality! But rather a battle where the kingdom of darkness is mobilizing its forces, (Genesis 3:15; Ephesians 6:12) coming against the people and house of God to ultimately try to take back total control (authority) over the nations of the earth! With and for the purpose to set up its kingdom rule with lucifer, the one called satan, as its god and king! (2Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 11:36; Revelation 12:9; Note! In the first century satan had his throne in Pergamon Revelation 2:3) The elitists of the world are being used as pawns to accomplish this! In their relative ignorance they think they are doing the world a favor. And that superimposing their standards upon the whole world is necessary. (Psalms 2:1-12) As The people of God we are to pray for all men and for kings and all who are in authority... “in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the true knowledge of the Truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4, 7) With other words... we have the responsibility and delegated authority to take action and pray for the purpose of being able to live our lives enabling us to save souls, heal the sick and set free the captives - to preach, teach and minister the Word of Life to a dying world! Let us therefore pray that the forces of darkness and the spirit of antichrist be held back and be bound in order for us to do the works of Him who have called us out of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love! ...night is coming where no man can work! (John 9:4) and we the body of Christ will be “out of here” along with the restrainer! (I.e. Caught up to meet our redeemer in the air)! The night that the Holy Spirit is talking about through John (I believe) is the great tribulation! Following the catching up of the ‘body of Christ’ there will be great tribulation (2x3,5 years)! The salt and light of the world is no longer present to preserve and give the True light of life. It is a time of reckoning for Israel with the focus of bringing them back in to the “sheep fold” (Jacobs trouble)! The kingdom of darkness will think that they are finally winning…whilst we know that they are used (like so many other kingdoms throughout history) as a means of judgment and wrath only to be judged themselves for the utter depravity and ungodliness that they display! (Revelation 18:4-10) The LORD Jesus Himself will then bring this wrath to an end by stepping down on mount Olivet (with us riding with Him from the heavenly abode. Revelation 19:11-21) and by the Word coming out of His mouth, slaying all the nations gathered against Him and His anointed! Restoring and establishing Israel as the world leading nation for a thousand years, in this way fulfilling all the promises and Words of the prophets concerning Israel, His people! These events are part of the “times of restoration” that Peter prophesies about in Acts 3:20-21! Be safe and blessed! Stay alert for the purpose of prayer and be ready to go as the Holy Spirit leads! Possess until He comes! Pastor Robert
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