• Midnight here. Just tidying up a few things on our networks settings. We are almost ready for you to invite friends. Our apps should be ready in a few days. We sent back the Android one to make it even better. Thanks for joining Phileo.me
    Midnight here. Just tidying up a few things on our networks settings. We are almost ready for you to invite friends. Our apps should be ready in a few days. We sent back the Android one to make it even better. Thanks for joining Phileo.me
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  • :STK-67:
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  • Just submitted our revised APP Image for Phone app and also the Splash Screen when the app is opened for the first 4 to 5 seconds. You will be seeing more of that every time you open your God Honoring Social.
    Just submitted our revised APP Image for Phone app and also the Splash Screen when the app is opened for the first 4 to 5 seconds. You will be seeing more of that every time you open your God Honoring Social.
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  • Please remember to pray for Central America. Hurricane Iota is now a Cat 5 with 160 MPH Plus winds. It's on the heels of Cat 4 ETA that struck last week. There is mention of 2 more circulations behind this one. The effects could be horrendous -- Your prayers can help.
    Please remember to pray for Central America. Hurricane Iota is now a Cat 5 with 160 MPH Plus winds. It's on the heels of Cat 4 ETA that struck last week. There is mention of 2 more circulations behind this one. The effects could be horrendous -- Your prayers can help.
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  • Remember that you can #FBexit right on over to "Your God Honoring Social" at Phileo.Me. Apps coming out in a few days, join online right now.
    Remember that you can #FBexit right on over to "Your God Honoring Social" at Phileo.Me. Apps coming out in a few days, join online right now.
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLTcnSR_yfw
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  • 1
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  • In my teaching series in Spanish in the book of Revelations Jesus describes how He is personally walking among the churches putting each church into the scale to be weighed. The angel of that church has been reporting everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. Then Jesus appears and defines the lampstands and the churches He is walking among them personally Himself. The purpose of the lampstand is to elevate the light that there may be light in the whole house. But Jesus says that if we do not repent and return to our first love that He will do something drastic. What did He say that He would do? He says that He will come and remove the lampstand from irs place. What does that mean? He's talking about the church and clearly saying that a He will remove the church it's place is prominence, and it will be marginalized from it's propose. This has happened, and is happening. Covid 19 has caused millions of churches to not meet, to not share, to be in fact sidelined. Let Him who has ears here what the Spirit said to the churches.
    In my teaching series in Spanish in the book of Revelations Jesus describes how He is personally walking among the churches putting each church into the scale to be weighed. The angel of that church has been reporting everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. Then Jesus appears and defines the lampstands and the churches He is walking among them personally Himself. The purpose of the lampstand is to elevate the light that there may be light in the whole house. But Jesus says that if we do not repent and return to our first love that He will do something drastic. What did He say that He would do? He says that He will come and remove the lampstand from irs place. What does that mean? He's talking about the church and clearly saying that a He will remove the church it's place is prominence, and it will be marginalized from it's propose. This has happened, and is happening. Covid 19 has caused millions of churches to not meet, to not share, to be in fact sidelined. Let Him who has ears here what the Spirit said to the churches.
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  • https://www.giveonpurpose.org
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euuPeXTDVGQ
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